God's Green Earth...
This summer has, in the last few weeks alone, afforded me more outdoor opportunities than the previous two or three summers combined. Whats' the cause? A desire to get out of the apartment! I have ants in my pants! The sights are beautiful.
The beaten, but still lovely, path
This trail is located about 20 minutes outside of Pocatello, on Forest Service grounds.
Sunrise at camp
The elder's quorum in our ward went camping near Lava Hot Springs, where I caught the sun peeking over the skyline the next morning.
"Give said the little stream..."
This little stream is located beside the trail in the above picture.
Light from on High peeking downA friend and I went hiking on the edge of pocatello. Within a few minutes we wandered off the trail, and found a secluded little camping spot by the stream. It was just big enough for a few small tents, had a rock-lined firepit, overlaid with a high canopy of conifers, and had no trails leading to the spot. What a little treasure! Nearby the sun was streaming through the branches, where I took this picture. Hello Katy!